"TWO GUNS UP!! If Anna Smith Spark is the queen of grim dark and Brian McClellan is the king of flintlock fantasy then Wade Garrett has to be the five star general leading the industrial punk revolution." — Goodreads reader review
Once a place of magic and modern industry, the old empire has fallen into ruin. The remaining patchwork of torchlit bergs are full of unrest and followers of the Enemy. Arium Black, the Rebellion's best man, has dedicated his life to bringing down these foul agents and their familiars. In return, they killed everyone he cared about. It's a bloody game they're playing, but it's one he means to win.
When he returns to his safe house in Pehat's Berg, however, he discovers the Enemy may have gained the upper hand. There are agents in the Berg, looking for him. Thus, begins the longest night of Black's life.
Flintlock fantasy and industrial punk collide in this hard-hitting tale perfect for fans of Brian McClellan's Powder Mage series and Dune.