A Dying World...
Humanity On The Brink...
New Threats Emerge...
America faces a full-scale collapse— This gritty, edge-of-your-seat post-apocalyptic adventure chronicles the harrowing journey of ordinary people trapped in an encroaching dark age. With food and supplies in short supply following a massive solar storm, Scott Montgomery and his small group of survivors venture out to protect their town, looking for anything they can scavenge to survive.
When they come upon a new enemy while trying to save Scott's niece. They realize the country has fallen under the control of a ruthless new power. One with superior numbers and strength and a ruthless plan for the planet. It's kill or be killed in this non-stop action adventure centered around a small coastal town, as the survivors of a rapidly dying world struggle to stay alive.
The Catalyst Series is a classic tale of survival and good versus evil, except you may not know which side is which until the very end.
If you like pulse-pounding action, solid science, resourceful warriors, and unexpected twists and turns, you'll love this new survival thriller from Bestselling author JK Franks. This is a no-holds-barred adventure that will leave you breathless! Perfect for fans of Bobby Akart, Boyd Craven, Kyla Stone, Franklin Horton, ML Banner, Ryan Schow, Grace Hamilton, Harley Tate, and Jack Hunt.
Get your copy today and strap yourself in for the ride of your life. You won't believe what happens.
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