"Insomnia was the perfect blend of everything I love in a story. Suspense, twists, characters with many levels...I relished the creepiness and intrigue of the dreams. I highly recommend this book to everyone, and I hope a sequel comes soon!" –James Dashner, New York Times bestselling author of The Maze Runner
"Cleverly written and dangerously dark, Insomnia will take you to the brink of insanity. A must-read for thriller and romance fans alike." –Elana Johnson, author of Possession
"Insomnia is suspenseful, fascinating, and completely unputdownable. I've decided to nickname Jenn Johansson 'Scary McScarypants,' because she spooked me in all the best ways." –Carrie Harris, author of Bad Taste in Boys
"A riveting story of terror and despair that will keep you up long past your bedtime." –Jennifer Bosworth, author of Struck